Sample Email to Friends

Please ask your friends to contact their representatives to voice support for the bill

* Post the request on your Facebook and refer them to this blog and our website
* Also we suggest sending direct mass emails (gets more prompt attention than FB) and post on other social media sites like Twitter. 
Remember: Asking your friends to help can greatly multiple your support!

(of course put in your own words!)

Dear Friends:

I’d like to ask for your help on an issue that is very important to me.

Right now Congress is considering the “Kate Puzey Peace Corps Protection Act” – a bill that would help protect Peace Corps Volunteers and better support those who become victims of rape or other violent crime while serving abroad. The bill has the support of the US Peace Corps and many former & current volunteers, and addresses the critical problems.

Also, on a personal note, my family was friends with Kate Puzey (who was murdered in 2009 when her confidentiality was broken after reporting a fellow Peace Corps worker) and it is very important to me to honor her legacy and help protect future Volunteers.

You can help pass this bill by contacting your congressional representative and asking for their support – it only takes a few minutes, and it could make a big difference!

For more information, you can go to the website set up by her family and friends:

Specific information on how to help pass the bill is on their blog at:

Please help! I’d really appreciate it!
